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A letter to my Detained Father
SAM for Rights and Liberties Launches its Report on Barriers of Fear and Misleading Discourse
In an investigative report SAM Organization reveals that the Houthi group used the judiciary and the media to cover its seizure of more than two and a half billion dollars from the property of their p
The continued violations of the parties to the conflict and the absence of an effective role of the international community contributed to the unprecedented escalation of Yemeni suffering and the dete
The Sniper Horror
The Big Collapse
A Human Rights Report Published by SAM on the Atrocities of Enforced Disappearance in Yemen
Yemeni in Saudi Prisons
On their world day... Sam reveals figures showing violations against women in Yemen during the war
SAM for Rights and Liberties & Euro-Med Monitor new report: Houthis recruited more than 10,000 children in Yemen
The Village of Humaidhah Shutair ... An Arena for Joint Operations and Coordination of Human Rights Violations
SAM Releases Capital Punishment as discretionary penalty Report
SAM and FSPD Calling on Britain to Stop Selling Weapons to Saudi Arabia and the UAE
Dangerous Career
The Mysterious ExplosionSAM Organization for Rights and Liberties condemns the killing and body mutilation of the Yemeni citizen Mujahid Qashir on Sunday 21 July 2019.
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