Houthi Raid on Sanaa Human Rights Office Signals Intent to Disrupt International Organizations
  • 15/08/2024
  •  https://samrl.org/l?e5343 
    SAM |

    Geneva - SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties stated that the Houthi group's storming of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Sanaa and looting of important documents and files represent a serious escalation in the group's interactions with the international community and constitute a blatant violation of international humanitarian law and human rights law. This action significantly undermines the international community's efforts to protect civilians and promote human rights in Yemen.

    SAM mentioned in its statement that the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights plays a vital role in documenting human rights violations in Yemen and providing assistance to victims. Therefore, the looting of its documents severely hinders its efforts to achieve justice and accountability, raising concerns that the Houthis may commit further violations against civilians in the absence of the Commission's oversight. This incident is a severe blow to the civilians in Yemen, who rely on the Commission's work to receive protection and assistance.

    The statement added that this raid came following the Houthi group's announcement of the formation of a new government, sending a negative message to the international community that the Houthis' repressive approach remains unchanged. This raid also reflects the group's determination to restrict international community activities and disrupt the work of UN organizations, particularly the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

    SAM Organization pointed out that this incident is not the first of its kind, as the Houthis have previously raided the offices of UN organizations operating in areas under their control. In recent weeks, the group has carried out a campaign of arrests against workers in international and national organizations active in humanitarian and relief efforts, accusing them of unfounded charges of spying for foreign entities and implementing subversive agendas in Yemen, in clear violation of the international conventions and protocols governing relief work.

    SAM calls on the international community to condemn the raid on the Office of the High Commissioner in the strongest terms and to take serious steps to protect humanitarian workers and hold the violators accountable. It also emphasizes the importance of protecting civilians and humanitarian workers and urges all conflicting parties to respect international humanitarian law and human rights.

    The organization also calls on the Houthi group to stop violations against employees working in relief and UN organizations, to respect work agreements, and to ensure the safety of all UN employees working in Yemen by providing the necessary protection for them. SAM demands that the Houthi group immediately and unconditionally return all documents and materials that were looted.

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