SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties Briefs the US Congress on the Human Rights Situation in Yemen
  • 2019-09-22
    SAM |

    Organization for Human Rights and Liberties delegate in Washington, Mr. Saif Al-Muthanna participated on Friday, September 20, 2019, in a seminar organized by the US Congress on the ongoing violations and the humanitarian situation in Yemen.

    SAM presented shocking figures resulted from five years of war in Yemen, where more than 8,000 people were killed or seriously injured.

    The Organization has also monitored the recruitment of more than 3,000 children to fight, while some 1.5 million have been forced to flee, the majority of whom departed childhood live.

    SAM delegate said during his briefing that “400 thousand children suffer from acute malnutrition, which exposes them to death at any moment, while 7 million children cannot sleep because of hunger, and more than 2 million children do not go to school, stressing that most of the children at schools in areas under Houthis control face education with Houthis agenda in crowded classrooms.

    Muthanna reviewed the events of the February Revolution and the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference, until Houthis coup against the legitimate government. Where he said, “The Houthis toppled the government on September 21, 2014, ironically it is tomorrow, and celebrated by Houthi every year, they turned against people’s will and the outcomes of NDC by force and arms, storming Sana’a and controlling the state and its military institutions and besieging the Yemeni president in his palace, who left for Aden”. “the Houthis obstructed the state’s path with the support of Iran and contributed to a war that formed and contributed to fundamental changes in the humanitarian situation of the Yemeni citizen at every moment of this war. The dream of Yemenis to establish the state, which they sought and aspired to form has gone”,  Muthanna stressed.

    He also pointed to the Coalition’s practices against the legitimacy and practices carried out by the UAE, such as extrajudicial executions, secret prisons, house raids, and support for armed militias, some of which follow Al-Qaeda and ISIS, and their control over strategic areas in Yemen, including ports, human resources and sea lanes.

    SAM delegate Saif Al Muthanna called members of Congress and decision-makers and attendees, to play their important role to avoid a terrible humanitarian tragedy that could cause the death of millions of innocent people. The organization also called for a just peace, to normalize life, the formation of a Yemeni government; stop the US logistical and military support and stop selling arms to the UAE and Saudi Arabia and lift the siege imposed on Yemen. SAM also called to pressure all parties to sit and dialogue, considering withdraw of arms and demobilize armed factions, the release of detainees and the lifting of the siege is a key factor in ending the political and humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

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