Permit to Commit More Crimes
The Impact of Continued American Support on Israeli Army Actions
  • 03/12/2023
    SAM |

    Geneva - SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties stated that the failure of the humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, and the inability of mediators and the international community to reach a comprehensive and permanent cessation of hostilities, puts the civilians in Gaza in the circle of targeting, turning their lives into a face of imminent death. The Israeli occupation army has resumed its intensive attacks on the Gaza Strip without discrimination against civilian targets and civilians, resulting in massive destruction of civilian homes and the killing of hundreds of civilians in the first two days after the temporary humanitarian ceasefire that lasted for seven days. The organization emphasized that the United States of America bears particular responsibility for the catastrophic situation in the Gaza Strip and the continuation of the war, as a result of its continuous support for Israel and its military operations, without any consideration for the war crimes and genocide committed by the Israeli army.

    According to medical sources, Israel committed a massacre in the Shuja'iya neighborhood east of Gaza City, where Israeli airstrikes targeted a residential block consisting of 50 houses and completely destroyed them, resulting in the death of more than 300 people, mostly women and children. The Israeli occupation army continues to systematically target civilians, directly implementing statements issued by a minister in the occupation of government calling for the extermination of Gaza's population.

    SAM highlighted that the residents of Gaza are subjected to systematic extermination by the Israeli army, with terrifying and unprecedented losses among civilians. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health in Gaza, as of Saturday, November 2nd, approximately 21,000 Palestinians were killed, including 8,312 children and 4,270 women. Moreover, over 37,400 people were injured, in a grave violation of international humanitarian law, including war crimes. This necessitates the world to take a stand to stop the destruction and genocide against civilians in Gaza.

    SAM Organization expressed its astonishment and rejection of the Israeli statements regarding the division of the Gaza Strip into designated "zones" with specific numbers for the purpose of notifying civilians to leave their locations in case the army intends to bombard those areas. The organization emphasized the legality outlined in the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Hague Rules, which categorically prohibit any targeting of civilian areas.

    Furthermore, it stated that it sees these divisions as giving the army full justification to target civilians under the pretext of prior notification. At the same time, it emphasized that demanding civilians to leave their residential areas in the midst of the humanitarian and health crisis experienced by the Gaza Strip is equivalent to issuing a death sentence against them. Moreover, such behavior is based on a wide-scale crime of forced displacement, for which Israel bears the consequences.

    The organization also pointed out that the United States bears full responsibility for the consequences of the forced displacement and ethnic cleansing campaign against the population of the Gaza Strip, especially after statements by a US State Department official claiming that "Israel responded to the US request to designate safe areas for the population in the southern Gaza Strip and that Israel has designated safer locations beyond what was requested." The organization highlighted that with such statements, the United States is giving Israel the green light to target the civilian population of the Gaza Strip under the pretext of the existence of safe areas and specific divisions.

    The international organization points out that international humanitarian law stipulates that the protection of civilians is mandatory in all circumstances and under any condition. The killing of civilians is considered a war crime in both international and non-international armed conflicts, and it may rise to the level of a crime against humanity. Article 25 of the Hague Regulations on the Laws and Customs of War on Land explicitly prohibits "attacking or bombarding towns, villages, dwellings, or buildings which are undefended." According to Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, the destruction of property is considered a serious violation that warrants prosecution if it is not justified by military necessity and is carried out on a large scale. Such practices are also considered war crimes under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

    SAM expresses condemnation of the resumption of Israeli military operations and, at the same time, disappointment with the position of the United States, which supports Israel and aligns with the international community's failure to address the ongoing Israeli military aggression against the Gaza Strip. The Gaza Strip has been under a comprehensive siege for nearly 17 years, and the continuous war on Gaza has further complicated the situation. The organization emphasizes that the current plight of civilians in Gaza constitutes a deliberate and systematic "genocide" by the Israeli army, aimed at seeking revenge against the population, forcibly displacing them from their land, and intentionally subjecting them to dire living conditions with the intention of total destruction.

    In conclusion, we emphasize that the continuation of military attacks will only exacerbate the humanitarian situation, especially given the deliberate targeting of infrastructure, residential areas, health centers, hospitals, road networks, communications, and other essential facilities. These actions further deteriorate the already dire conditions and lead to immense suffering for the civilian population.

    We urge the United States and the international community to review their negative and unethical stance and exert full pressure on Israel to immediately cease fire and reopen all closed border crossings. This will ensure the flow of medical, food, and logistical supplies to the Gaza Strip, alleviating the dire humanitarian situation.

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