Adduhai Crossing to Death
  • 2016-12-03
    SAM |

    Human Rights Report monitors violations perpetrated by Houthis group and Saleh forces on civilians while passing through the only accessible crossing to reach Taiz city, which was under siege during the war in Yemen.

    SAM monitors have documented 311 violations to human rights perpetrated by Houthis and Saleh armed elements at Adduhai crossing eastern Taiz city against unarmed civilians while passing through the crossing. Violations varies between (extrajudicial killings and injuries, abduction, torture, physical assaults, sexual harassment, looting of properties and personal belongings).

    SAM monitors also documented collective violations cases that targeted all city’s population such as economic besiege imposed on all its forms as materialized daily by Houthis and Saleh militia in denial access of foodstuffs and other basic needs such as water, drugs, cooking gas, and oxygen gas.

    It is important to notice that, figures and data contained in this report are only ones that the monitors managed to verify and document and does not represent all violations that have been committed daily in Adduhai crossing which could not be documented fully due to the security situation and risks on monitors or on anyone carrying camera or any monitoring and documenting tools. Also risks increases on journalists, activists and lawyers, who are considered as valuable hunt for Houthis and Saleh militia.

    Read the full report here

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