1-11 Aug 2016 Yemen HR deterioration
  • 13/08/2016
  •  https://samrl.org/l?a3655 
    منظمة سام |

    SAM organization for Rights and Liberties has followed, with great concern, the deteriorating of human rights situation in Yemen during the period from 1 to August 11, 2016, where the organization has recorded an increase, qualitative and dangerous, in the volume of violations against civilians including women and children by conflict parties. That manner detrimental to the international obligations incumbent on the parties which mandate to protect civilians during the conflict. This negative development recorded by the organization in light of the failure of the peace process between the parties to the conflict which led to the high intensity of the fighting, especially in the neutral populated areas in the capital Sanaa and in Taiz central of Yemen.

    In Albaydha governorate, SAM organization recorded on August 1, 2016 four unarmed sheikhs civilians from Thi Naem who were killed and their dumped bodies were found, with holes of bullets, between the areas of Bayhan and Almlajm, proving they had been killed outside the law. One of the victims' relatives reported to SAM that on July 31, 2016 a tribal dispute emerged, Houthi official named Abu Zayd asked to appear the four victims for dialogue then troops took the victims to an unknown location rejecting the company of relatives, next day the victims’ bodies were found with gunshot wounds.

    On August 7, 2016 at 9:30 PM In Othar village Nehm district, Sana'a governorate, the organization documented 12 dead and 17 wounded, the organization keeps their names, when coalition air force targeted a shop owned by Daifallah Albhlouli where it was a group of young present in it, that led to many of victims directly. It was proven to the organization monitors the targeted place was far from the military confrontations area. Also witnesses said they heard overflights in the sky before the blast.

    In Taiz governorate village of Hannah (Wadi Azaman), Alwazieyah district, the organization documented on August 9, 2016 killing of 11 people, 7 of them children among them twins called (Hassan and Hussein) Mohammed Seif, aged four years, In addition to 6 wounded due to the explosion of a landmine was hidden in the path of their car during the return of the victims to the village. Families of the victims have confirmed to the organization monitors that Houthi militias and Saleh forces have planted a lot of mines in different parts of Alwazieyah before their withdrawal, making the roads and paths of the region fraught with danger.

    In the capital Sanaa, AlNahdha district, on August 9, 2016 SAM monitoring team recorded more than 10 casualties among dead and wounded, the organization had difficulties to be sure of the total number, due to AlAaqel factory for snack foods exposed to  bombardment, as were most of the victims employees and workers in the factory. There were conflicting reports about the reasons of the bombing and its source, but Houthis and Salah who are in control of the capital Sanaa condemned the coalition aircraft bombed the factory. The organization was not able to ensure the validity of the claim because of security measures imposed by the Houthi militias and Salah forces that makes the organization monitors life at risk.

    SAM Organization for Rights & Liberties condemns all violations against civilians and calls on all conflict parties to abide by the rules of international humanitarian law and human rights law, especially those laws related to the protection of civilians during armed conflict, including civilians living in areas far from the clashes and military sites. The organization noticed that there are not consideration for proportionality and military necessity principle that included in Geneva Convention without detriment to the principle of humanity, civilians safety and rights.

    The organization also strongly condemns the extrajudicial killings of unarmed civilians in Albaydha governorate and consider it as a crime against humanity and threaten for the region security in the situation of lack of legal accountability and the absence of law enforcement authorities, which requires stakeholders holding perpetrators accountable under internal Yemeni law and under international criminal law.

    The organization confirmed that the incident, of the mine blast at Alwazieyah district in Taiz governorate, consider as a criminal offense, under Yemeni internal law, and flagrant violation of the Ottawa convention that prohibit anti-personnel mines. This incident requires the international criminal accountability for offenders, in addition to civil compensation to the victims. Also the incident cause concern to the people and civilians threat of the occurrence of similar incidents in the future unless it is working hard to develop maps of security of the citizens.

    SAM Organization calls upon international community, led by UN and Security Council to condemn such acts and crimes and must make sure that parties to a conflict are pressured to comply fully with the provisions of the Charter and the rules and principles of international law, to prevent a recurrence of these crimes. Also calls upon the Arab coalition forces to open an urgent investigation into incidents of mistaken bombing of civilian targets and reveal the circumstances to public opinion.

    SAM for Rights & Liberties, Genève 13 August 2016

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