10 November 2016 Killing of Waleed Al-Ibbi by Houthis Militia
  • 05/12/2016
  •  https://samrl.org/l?a3666 
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Freedoms, based in Genève, learnt with great sorrow, killing of Waleed Qasim Al-Ibbi, 26 years, who have been abducted by Houthis group and Saleh troops in Sana’a, on 10 November 2016. One week after his abduction, an officer form the Criminal Investigation Department, informed Al-Ibbi’s family that he commits suicide by shooting himself by a gun on 14 November 2016.

    SAM organization has reviewed the medical report and pictures of Al-Ibbi’s body, that shows bruises in his body, confirming that he was subjected to torture inside the CID prison in Sana’a, before being killed.

    Whereas SAM organization condemns this crime, is also expressing its deep concern for the escalation in abduction and forcible disappearance crimes and torture perpetrated by Houthis militia and troops loyal to formed ousted president Saleh, who targets political opponents, rights activists, journalists, and members of Islah party, many of whom are still under forcible disappearance.

    Also, SAM organization has documented death of seven political prisoners due to torture at Houthis’ and Saleh’s prisons.

    SAM organization considers torture crimes leading to death as serious violation to the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

    The Organization expresses its concern for continuation of torture crimes and other forms of mistreatment inside detention centers controlled by Houthis and Saleh.

    SAM organization confirms that these crimes are prescribed crimes by Yemeni national laws, and are crimes against humanity according to the international humanitarian law. And we call Houthis militia and Saleh troops to commit to the international humanitarian law and to immediately cease these gross violations to human rights law.

    SAM organization would like to stress on the need for the justice curse to take its place, and in this respect, calling on the international community and Security Council and other concerned parties to play an effective role to end these violations immediately, to held perpetrators accountable and bring them to justice.

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, Genève

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