05 December 2016 Deteriorating Health Condition of Journalist Abdulkhaliq
  • 06/12/2016
  •  https://samrl.org/l?a3667 
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, based in Genève, follows with great concern the health condition of Yemeni journalist Abdulkhaliq Arman, who suffers from serious health conditions in the political security prison in Sana’a.

    According to report received by SAM organization from Amran’s family, that he suffers from severe backbone and backpain, and his heath is deteriorating due to torture that the is subjected to since his detention on 9 June 2015. Since then he has been transported between criminal investigation prison, Al-Thawra provisional prison, National Security prison, Habra provisional prison and recently Political Security prison. Amran was forcibly disappeared for four months before his family managed to visit him.

    SAM organization strongly condemns torture of journalist Amran, and denying him of his basic rights, including health care, and referral to hospital for treatment. SAM organization held Houthis militia fully accountable for torturing Arman and his other eight journalists, who were abducted on the same day while doing their work.

    SAM organization also expresses its deep concern for the situation of press freedom in Yemen, where it has monitored and documented serious violations and abuses on journalists and to freedom of expression in Yemen since Houthis control over Sana’a. SAM confirms that these violations mount to a war crime, noting that 19 journalists were killed and 115 injured during 2015, also various private, independent and opposition media outlets were closed and their equipment were confiscated.

    SAM organization calls all concerned parties to commit to the international humanitarian law regarding the journalists, who civilians doing their job, in accordance with the provisions of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights, Human Rights Council resolution of 25 September 2014, on Safety of Journalists and no Impunity.

    SAM Organization considers abduction of Amran and other eight journalists by Houthis militia, in addition to other six journalists and one more by Al-Qaeda, as a flagrant violation to Security Council Resolution No.2222 of 27 May 2015, that condemns all violations and abuses against journalists during armed conflicts.

    SAM organization urges for immediate and unconditional release of all journalists and media personnel abducted or held as hostages during the past period in Yemen.

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, Genève

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