10 January 2017 Detention of Activist Ali Baqitiyan by Elite Forces in Hadhramout
  • 11/01/2017
  •  https://samrl.org/l?a3668 
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, Genève, followed with great concern detention of human rights activist Ali Harmal Baqitiyan in Mukalla city, Hadhramout capital, eastern Yemen, on Tuesday 10/1/2017, by Hadhrami Elite forces (AL-Nukhba Al-Hadhramiah).

    Sources confirmed to SAM that detention of Mr. Baqitiyan was for his participation in the protest before Arrayan airport, staged by relatives of detainees who have been detained on 9 January 2017, to release their detained.

    SAM organization condemns with strongest terms the abduction of Baqitiyan, besieging his house and intimidating his family, stressing that this is clear violation to freedoms and to the Yemeni constitution which guarantees protection of citizen and ensures freedom of civil activities and peaceful protests.

    SAM considers this incident and many other abduction and forcible disappearance incidents for politicians, rights activists and social dignitaries is serious indicator of the mount of violations by Al-Nukhba forces in Hadhramout, and its involvement in abduction, detention, and other violations.

    SAM organization hold local authorities in Hadhramout and the commanders of Al-Nukhba accountable for the safety and life of Baqitiyan.

    Also, calls upon the legitimate government as represented by president Hadi and prime minister, security, and administrative authorities to undertake their responsibility and immediate release Baqitiyan and all detainees.

    SAM also call upon the National Commission to Investigate Alleged Human Rights Violations to investigate human rights violations in the governorate, including forced disappearance, torture, and other penalized violations.

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties,

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