29 January 2017 Killing Yemeni Civilians by US Army in Yekla, Al-Baidha Governorate
  • 29/01/2017
  •  https://samrl.org/l?a3669 
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Freedom, based in Genève, followed with great concern, the outcome of the military operation by US army in Yekla village, Rada’ district, in AL-Baidha governorate, killing many innocent civilians, including six women and three children.

    Details of the incident;

    SAM organization has monitored and documented the incident according to the statement made by one native of the village who stated that;

    “at 8 p.m. we heard a plane flying in the sky for a while then disappeared, and at 1 a.m. an air dropping started by helicopter (Apache) for American soldiers, the plane flied at low level near sheikh Abdulraouf Al-Zahab house, and soldiers raided his house.. we heard gun shots continued from around 1 a.m. till dawn time, and the Apache continued flying.. anyone tried to escape from the house or the nearby houses, was targeted by the Apache, even women and children who tried to escape were killed.. a total number of 30 people, including 6 women and 3 children, who tried to escape were killed.. there are charred bodies who we could not identify.. also, there is signs of American (soldiers’) blood.. when the operation is over the Apache landed at about 15-20 meter far and took the American soldiers and the wounded soldiers.


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