Denounce Death Sentence against Journalist Yahya Al-Jubaihi and Trial of 36 Abductees
  • 14/04/2017
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties learnt that an exceptional tribunal in Yemen is process in the Political Security Apparatus premises has issued a death sentence on 12 April 2017 against journalist Yahya Abdulraqeeb Al-Jubaihi, 63 years, who is abducted by Houthis-Saleh militia since September 2016. This sentence does not convict Al-Jubaihi, more than it does to the militaria with the crime of manipulating judiciary as an oppression tool against opponents.
    SAM organization believes that this verdict, is illegitimate, considering the issuing authority and the context, where the city is under militia control since the past two years, and by incompetent judiciary that lacks integrity and justice standards. Also, this verdict was passed in the second session of the farce trial, without allowing the defendant or his lawyer to contest or challenges the raised charges.

    SAM also is concerned that other 36 abductees will be tried before the same court in a session planned for in 15 April 2017, fearing that no justice will be served for these detainees or investigation will be conducted on the conditions of their abduction and torture.
    SAM organization calls upon the international community and organizations to condemn this manipulation of judiciary and to interfere with the de facto power to cease these trials and release all abductees and disappeared at Houthis jails.
    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, Genève
    12 April 2017

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