Statement on the Issues related to Yemeni Students Abroad; Deportation of student Abeer Al-Radae’
  • 15/04/2017
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, based in Genève, expressed its deep regret for deporting Yemeni student Abeer Al-Radae’, enrolled at Fateh university, Business Management section, for the past three years, where she was detained since 4 April in Istanbul, when she applied to renew her residence permission, allegedly for being student of Fateh university which is accused by Turkish authorities of being affiliated to a group responsible for the coup d’etat.

    SAM also learnt that a number Yemeni students in Turkey are facing the same fate, including student Ibrahim Tawfeq An’am, who has been detained for a month in Ezmir for the same reasons, in addition to students Rehab Sadiq Abdu, Omer Bafadhl, and Omer Hassan Al-Shiba, also tens of students are facing deportation.

    SAM organization confirms that deportation of students is an arbitrary condemned action and breaches the international law and human rights law, noting that these students entered Turkey legally and at Turkish authorities’ approval, and some of them spent their school years in peace and none of them have committed any incriminated act during their stay.

    SAM organization expresses its deep regret for these measures and calls upon Turkish government to reconsider the situation of Yemeni students in Turkey, considering the current serious situation in Yemen resulted from the ongoing war, and the deteriorated humanitarian situation that might expose the deportees to serious consequences and will impact their education future, if returned to Yemen.

    SAM organization also calls upon Yemeni government to undertake its constitutional and moral responsivities toward Yemeni students in Turkey and abroad, and urges the government to resolve their financial and legal issues in the countries of residence, also to hold responsible officials accountable, particularly at ministries of foreign affairs, immigrants, and finance who failed to perform their duties towards Yemeni students’ issues.

    SAM Organization for Rights and liberties, Genève
    15 April 2017

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