MAY 2017 State of Human Rights in Yemen
  • 14/06/2017
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, based in Genève, continues monitoring the state of human rights in Yemen. During May 2017, SAM has monitored 1028 violations, included extralegal killings, physical assaults, violation to press freedom, arbitrary detention, confiscation of property, forced displacement, and torture.

    Houthis-Saleh militia, has committed 899 of the violations, and the Arab Coalition 85 violations, 23 by groups loyal to the legitimate government, including violations to the press freedom, and extralegal killings, also violations attributed to US drones attack that killed 11 civilians, in addition to 10 violations attributed to the Security Belt Forces in Aden and Lahaj governorates.

    Violation to the Right to Life:

    SAM has documented 187 civilian killings during May, including 110 by Houthis-Saleh militia, and majority of them resulted from indiscriminate shelling on Taiz city, which was subjected to 8 massacres during May. 35 victims were killed by mines detonation, and 4 journalists killed in Taiz by shell that targeted journalists’ assembly point. In Mareb 11 civilians were killed in airdropping and airstrike operation by US forces, that targeted Al-Ezlan Bedouin tribe. In Taiz also, Arab Coalition airstrikes killed 63 civilians, including 9 children, while in Aden two citizens were killed by military formation and Amjad AbduRahman was assassinated by unknown parties.

    Violation to the Right to Physical Integrity:

    SAM monitors have documented injuring of 210 people during May, including 32 women, and 54 children, mainly resulted from indiscriminate shelling by Houthis-Saleh militia on residential areas in Taiz city.

    Arbitrary Detention:

    Thousands of Yemeni civilians are under arbitrary detention at Houthis-Saleh militia in Sana’a city and other areas under their control. A tribal mediation has succeeded this month in releasing 25 abductees from militia’s prisons in Sana’a, in return national army has released similar number of Houthis-Saleh POW, who were captured in battle fronts.

    Hundreds of civilians are also in Security Belt and Hadhrami Elite forces’ prisons, affiliated to the legitimate government, in Aden and Hadhramout. Reports received by SAM indicate that 15-20 civilians were released after long terms in the Hadhrami Elite, which is funded by UAE and uses Alrayyan airport as detention center, forces’ prison.

    SAM monitors also documented 105 arbitrary detention cases during May, including 20 in Hodiedah, and 19 in Hajjah governorates, and other cases distributed between Sana’a, Aden, Taiz, Ibb and Lahaj governorates, all are perpetrated by Houthis militia, with exception to two cases by Security Belt forces in Aden.

    Violations to Press Freedom:

    All media outlets closed by Houthis following September 2014 are still closed, furthermore, 17 journalists are still under detention at Houthis prisons, for 1 and half years, and according to reports received by SAM, they are subjected to torture, also journalist Esam Balgith, is suffering from ever spine pain resulted from torture and abdomen pain that require immediate medical attention, however Houthis denies him treatment. Other detainees are suffering various diseases due to prolonged detention and deprival of medical care.

    SAM organization documented 23 violations on journalists, including 4 killings in Taiz by Houthis militia’s shells, that killed, photographers; Taqi al-Din al-Hudhaifi, Wael al-Absi, Walid al-Qodsi and Saad al-Nehtari. Also SAM documented seizure of 7 journalists’ passports at Aden airport following their return from training session, in addition to abduction and torture of 3 journalists at Aleshreen camp of the Security Belt forces in Aden, suspension of salary of one journalist in Sana’a, and prosecution of journalist Omer Al-Har in Shabwa governorate. Also, two cases of assaults on journalists in Sana’a and Aden.

    Violation to the Right “Freedom” of Movement:

    Reports received by SAM monitors has documented that checkpoint in Arrabat, Aden, and Iron factory checkpoint has inspected and denied access to people from Taiz and others from northern governorates, to enter Aden city for regional reasons.

    Violations to Child Rights:

    SAM organization has documented 147 violations to child rights, including 57 child recruitments by Houthis-Saleh militia, mostly in Sa’da, and Dhamar governorates, in addition to killing of 22 children mainly in Taiz and injuring of 54 others due to indiscriminate shelling by Houthis-Saleh militia, on civilians in Taiz city.

    Violations against Women:

    SAM organization has documented 52 violations against women, included 22 killings, 30 injuries, 6 are resulted from anti-personnel mines detonation, mainly in Taiz governorates.


    SAM monitors have documented 41 detonations of mines during May, in Taiz and Al-Baidha governorates, that killed 35 civilians, and injured 7 women and one child.

    Blockade and Enforced Displacement of Civilians:

    Al-Wafi area and villages, Gabal Habashi district, Taiz, blockade continued for the seventh month, also 255 families were displaced form Mawza’a district, by Houthis-Saleh militia.

    Other Violations:

    SAM organization has documented other violations including to the freedom of religion, where Taraweeh prayers were denied by force, at many mosques during Ramadhan month, particularly in Sana’a. Houthis militia also imposed illegal royalties on civilians, misappropriation of state land and give them to their affiliates. SAM has received documents to that effect.


    • SAM organization urges the UN and other humanitarian organizations to provide urgent aids to the displaced civilians in Taiz and to lift the blockade off Al-Wafi are immediately without any conditions.
    • SAM organization requests Arab Coalition to avoid targeting of civilians, and to review their rules of combat to avoid targeting of civilians by airstrikes.
    • SAM organization calls to spare children from war woes and calls upon the international community to take decisive measure on child recruitment which are alarmingly increasing.

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, denounces all crimes included in this statement which are gross violations to the international humanitarian law and human rights law, particularly indiscriminate shelling and enforced displacement.

    SAM organization also condemns the escalated violations on journalists, and calls upon Houthi group, being the de facto power, to commit to the international human rights conventions and instruments, where such violations on journalists are considered as crimes against humanity.


    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, 14 June 2017, Genève

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