Condemned Execution of a Lady and her Child in Taiz
Houthis-Saleh Militia Intimidate Opposing Civilians and Execute them
  • 08/10/2017
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, condemned today, Sunday, Houthis-Saleh militia’s practices in Yemen against opposing civilians, whom they intimidate and execute extralegally.

    SAM Organization, based in Geneva, said in press release that Houthis-Saleh militia executed a Yemeni lady and her child in Al-Gerat, Abdan district, Taiz, yesterday evening in a heinous summary execution crime.

    In the details obtained by SAM, that at 8 a.m. of Friday, armed Houthis element on vehicles and motorcycles, attacked Taha Hassan Fare’s house and immediately fired shots killing his son Anas, 16, while sitting in front of the house, then his mother Itihad Qassim Mohammed Ali, 35, when she came out following the gun shots to see her son dead and bowed to hug him when Houthis fired at her in her back and killed her.

    Houthis also shot Anas’s uncle, Mohammed Hassan Fare’, 42, who arrived to see what is happening.

    Taha Fare’, 44, told SAM that Houthis militia detained 4 of the villagers who took his son and wife to the hospital, and they moved the two dead bodies from the hospital and left them in a mosque uncovered, and prevented the villagers from participating in the funeral procession.

    SAM organization strongly denounce this crime and consider it a crime against humanity, whose perpetrators should be held to account, according to the international relevant treaties.

    SAM said it has documented 74 extralegal executions by Houthis-Saleh militia  during the past years, and called upon the UN and the international community to consider Houthis practices as “crimes that call for prosecution by the international community”.

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties,

    8 October 2017- Geneva

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