Four years since Houthis coup over the legitimate power and the intervention of the Saudi-led Arab Coalition and UAE, during which Yemen has witnessed many violations of the human rights. The political stalemate between Yemenis parties and biased international interference has blocked the possibilities for solutions, exacerbated the humanitarian situation, and expanded damage to all population in the Yemeni territories.
SAM organization, published throughout 2017, monthly reports monitoring the state of human rights in the country, in addition to statements to investigating incidents that led to violations and crimes against civilians. SAM monitors worked hard despite challenges and obstacles to verify, and document relevant information and data.
Monitoring violations in Yemen pose extreme risks on the monitors and human rights defender, in Hadhramout, the Hadhrami Elite force, led by UAE, is still detaining Ali Baqitayan, since 8 January 2017, also in Dhamar Houthis militia is detaining lawyer Ali Al-Ansi, since 14 July 2017.
SAM organization issues today its first monthly statement for January 2018, where 550 violations were documented, including extralegal killing, physical assault, violations to press freedom, arbitrary detention, confiscation of properties, enforced displacement, and torture, committed by Houthis militia, Arab Coalition airstrikes, military formations, and combatants affiliated to the legitimate government.
Houthis militia committed 382 of the total documented violations, Arab Coalition 58, USA air-force 11, 16 violations by parties loyal to the legitimate government, 13 by terrorist groups, and 7 unclaimed violations at territories under the legitimate government control.
It is important to mention that violations documented in this report do not reflect the whole situation in the country, rather are representative to the reality of human rights situation in Yemen, and reflect what SAM monitors managed to document according to the standards that the Organization applies.
January Incidents in Aden
January 2018 witnessed a serious development in the relationship of the legitimate government in Aden with the military forces supported by the UAE, where armed confrontation erupted, leading to the Security Belt taking over Aden city, and besieging the prime minister and other ministers in Al-Ma’ashiq palace. 36 killed in this conflict and 183 others injured, according to ICRC reports, and many civilians originated from the northern governorates were detained, but released later, also several civilians were killed.
Violation of the Right to Life:
SAM organization has monitored and documented 228 killings of civilians during January, including 57 by AC airstrikes, 31 in Sa’da, 26 in Taiz, while Houthis militia killed 114 civilians, including 9 by mines, in Taiz 103, Ibb 5, Al-Baidha and Al-Jouf 4 each. 11 others were killed by US drones, including 4 in Shabwa, and 4 in Al-Baidha governorates. Also, 3 by the legitimate government forces, one under torture, and 7 civilians assassinated, 4 in Taiz and 3 in Sana’a city. Sam documented 24 civilians killed on 18 January, in Sa’da by AC airstrikes, in two air raids, including 5 children, including 5 months and 1-year children, in addition to one woman.
In Mocha, Taiz governorate, on 17 January, 12 civilians killed by AC airstrikes, including 4 in Moza’a.
On 9th January, SAM documented the killing of Ahmed Mosa Al-Agil 32, in Khor Maxar, Aden, believed to be under torture at the police station.
On 17 January, detainee Ahmed Al-Shani 40, from Al-Baidha, died under torture, at Houthis militia detention center, in Dhamar, following one month of his abduction, from Sana’a while accompanying a sick relative.
On 20 January, in Taiz, soldier Amr Abdo Al-Huziefi 21, killed at Souq Al-Sameel, by allegedly Al-Qaeda element.
On 3 January, Ali Mohammed Al-Tweeti 32, died under torture, at Houthis detention center in Dhamar.
On 30 January, 11 soldiers killed at Nokhan checkpoint, run by Shabwani Elite, by explosion staged allegedly by Al-Qaeda organization.
On 26 January, at 11 p.m., 7 civilians killed by drones’ attack, while boarding a car in Al-Musini’a.
On 22 January, at 11 p.m., 3 Katyusha rockets hit Al-Khiami area, killing 8 civilians.
Violation of the Right to Physical Integrity:
SAM organization has documented 170 injured civilians during January, including 18 women, and 37 children most of them in Taiz, Shabwa, and Sana’a, mainly by indiscriminate shelling by Houthis militia on residential areas.
On 14 January, 10 a.m., a mortar shell hit 30 roundabout in Taiz city, causing 10 casualties among civilians, also on 25 January, 5 p.m., another mortar shell hit the old airport area, injuring 5, including 4 children.
Arbitrary Detention:
Thousands of Yemeni civilians are under arbitrary detention at Houthis militia’s prisons in Sana’a and other areas under their control, in addition to hundreds of civilians in Security Belt and Hadhrami Elite prisons in Aden and Hadhramout. SAM has documented 155 new cases of arbitrary detention in January, 80 by Houthis militia; in Sana’a, Dhamar, Taiz, Hajjah, and Aden (due to the confrontations between the Security Belt forces and the national army).
On 8 January, Houthis militia detained one woman in Hajjah, in addition to 5 others in Sana’a on 13 and 15 January, also, tow children; Amjad Okasha 16, in Ku’idina, Hajjah, and Abdo Faisal Saeed 16, in Maqbna, Taiz.
Manipulating Judiciary:
SAM organization documented two death sentences, one on charges of abusing insulting belief, and other against three civilians, including one woman for spying with UAE, issued by an illegitimate exceptional court.
On 2 January, a death sentence was issued against Hamid Kamal for espionage charges for Israel, and the verdict rule closure of all Baha’i faith centers in Yemen. On 30 January, a death sentence was issued against Ms. Asma Al-Omaisi, Saeed Mahfouz Al-Rasheed, and Ahmed Abdullah Bawazeer, on charges of espionage for UAE.
Violations against children:
SAM organization documented 65 violations against children, during January, mainly in Taiz, Sana’a and Hodiedah, including 37 injuries, three by mines, and 22 killings, 11 by Houthis militia, 9 by AC airstrikes, and one by US drones, in Shabwa. SAM also received reports on missing children from their schools in Sana’, but not yet verified.
Violations against women:
SAM documented 37 violations against women during the reporting period, including 12 killings by Houthis militia, 4 by AC airstrikes, and 18 injuries, also detention of 6 women, and one death sentence.
Landmines continue to threaten civilians’ life in areas of previous confrontations, while Houthis militia continued using mines widely, without proper mapping thereby increase the number of landmines victims, where 21 cases of mines detonation were reported during January, killing nine civilians and injuring 11 others, including one child and two women, and damaged one vehicle.
Violations against Journalists and Human Rights Defenders:
SAM has documented continuous violations against journalists and human rights defenders, with 10 new cases of violations in Sana’a, Taiz, and Dhamar, 3 killings in Taiz, and 3 injuries, and two detained in Sana’a and Hajjah governorates.
Attacks on Public and Private Objects:
SAM has documented 22 attacks on public and private objects, by Houthis militia, in Sana’a, Taiz and Al-Baidha, including 9 incidents of looting of trade stores and houses, 5 raids, and 4 houses damaged, one exploded, in addition to confiscation of lands and two health facilities, burning of a library and one mosque.
SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties,Geneva
22 February 2018,