March 2018 State of Human Rights in Yemen
  • 21/04/2018
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, based in Geneva, is continuing in monitoring human rights violations in Yemen, during 2018, where in March, SAM has monitored 500 cases of violation to the international humanitarian law (war law), and the international human rights law, included extra-legal killing, physical assaults, attacks on press freedom, arbitrary detention, seizure of properties, and torture, perpetrated by Houthis militia, Arab Coalition airstrikes, military formations, and combatants loyal to the legitimate government.

    Houthis militia perpetrated 330 violations out of the total violations documented in this statement, while Arab Coalition committed 78 through airstrikes, 32 by parties loyal to the legitimate government, 5 by US drones, 30 by unknown groups at government-controlled area, and 25 violations are of criminal nature.

    It important to remind that, the violations documented in this statement, are not inclusive, nor do they provide a specific percentage of the actual violations, rather they represent a random sample through which we could see the human rights situation in Yemen, and they reflect what SAM monitors managed to document according to the monitoring standards followed by SAM.

    Violation of the Right to Life:

    SAM organization has monitored and documented 147 violations to the right to life among civilians during March , 43 by Arab Coalition (AC) airstrikes, 19 in Sa’da, 11 in Hodiedah, 8 in Sana’a, where 50 others were killed by Houthis militia, including 20 in Taiz, and the US drones killed 3 in Al-Baidha. In addition, 24 civilians were killed by landmines laid by Houthis militia, 3 civilians by the legitimate government forces, and 2 by unknown individuals.

    In Sa’da governorate, in the Saudi border, SAM documented on 24 March, killing of 10 civilians, including 7 children, and 3 women and injuring of 7 others, by AC airstrikes in Ghamir area,

    In Sa’da also, SAM documented on 29 March, killing of 5 civilians ad injuring of 13 others, including 7 children and 9 women in AC airstrike, in Al-Maqash - al Gubara

    In Hodiedah, SAM documented on 2 March, killing of 5 civilians by AC airstrike; 3 children and 2 women. In Taiz, SAM documented killing of 5 civilians; 3 children and 2 women by AC airstrike at Mauza’a area.

    In Al-Jouf border governorate, SAM documented on 3 March, the killing of 4 civilians by landmine laid by Houthis group near their house.

    In Asouma’a, Al-Baidha governorate, SAM documented on 29 March, the killing of 3 civilians and injuring of 2 others in a US drones attack that targeted their car.

    In Ibb governorate, central Yemen, on 18 March, a police patrol of Houthis-controlled, Rescue Police killed deliberately Rashad Al-Mansouri, 30, Ahmed Hassan Mohammed, 28, and Noureddin Mohammed Qassem, 20, where Houthis abducted them from Al-Majd hospital and took them to Al-Daleel area, in Al-Makhader and killed them, claiming that they’ve killed one of the central security elements earlier.

    In Shabwa, south Yemen, on 28 March the Shabwani Elite tortured Muhsuin Baqatmi, to death, following arresting him at his house in Maifa’a, on 27 March, and returned him in coma due to sever torture in the prison. He was transferred to the hospital in Mukalla and died there. The physician confirmed that he was beaten, and sustained fractures, internal bleeding and signs of electric shock.

    Violation of the Right to Physical Integrity:

    SAM organization has documented 170 injuries among civilians during March, including 20 women, and 50 children most of them in Taiz, Hodiedah, and Sa’da, mainly by indiscriminate shelling by Houthis militia, and AC airstrikes on residential areas.

    During 25-29 March, SAM documented the indiscriminate bombing by Houthis militia at the residential areas, injured 10 civilians including children.

    Arbitrary Detention:

    Thousands of Yemeni civilians are under arbitrary detention at Houthis militia’s prisons in Sana’a, also at the prisons of the Security Belt and Hadhrami Elite in Aden and Hadhramout. SAM has documented 109 new cases of arbitrary detention in March, in Sana’a, Dhamar, Taiz and Hajjah, while documented 12 cases by the UAE-backed Hadhrami Elite and Security Belt forces.

    in Sana’a, SAM documented on 12 March, the detention of 58 members of the PGC, by Houthis forces for commemorating former president Saleh’s birthday anniversary, who was killed by his Houthis allies, by end of 2017.

    In Shabwa governorate, the Shabwani Elite detained 10 civilians during 28-29 March, in Ataq and Maifa’a, one of them died under torture.

    Violations against Children:

    SAM organization has documented 118 violations against children during the reporting period, mainly in Taiz, Sana’a, and Hodiedah, including 48 injuries, 1 by landmines, and 4 b snipers’ fire, in addition to 25 killings, 5 by landmines, and 2 by snipers’ shots.

    SAM also documented child recruitment by Houthis militia in Sana’a, Dhamar, and Amran, as well in Shabwa by the Shabwani Elite.

    SAM documented 33 suspension cases of children from schools, due to fees imposed by Houthis militia, also received reports from students’ families that Houthis are mobilizing children with hate and intolerance speech, urging them to stop their children from attending to schools.

    Violations against women:

    SAM documented 55 violations against women during the reporting period, including 23 killings, 2 by landmines, and 20 injuries by AC airstrikes and Houthis bombing.


    Houthis militia continued to use mines widely, without proper mapping thereby threatening civilians’ life, particularly at former areas of confrontation, where 27 cases of mines detonation were reported during March, killing 24 civilians and injuring 3 others, including 6 children.

    Violations against Journalists and Human Rights Defenders:

    SAM has documented continuous violations against journalists and human rights defenders, with 12 new cases of violations in Aden, Taiz, and Sana’a were reported, including 6 cases of arbitrary detention for journalists in Aden and Taiz. In Aden, armed elements affiliated to the Security Belt attacked Al-Shumu Foundation and looted its furniture, equipment and set it on fire.

    Attacks on Public and Private Objects:

    SAM has documented 10 violations to the public and private objects, included seizure of public lands in Ibb, attack on public facilit8es and destroying of a mosque in Hais, Hodiedah, by Houthis bombing and destroying of a health center.

    Also documented 34 attacks on public and private objects, where Houthis militia committed 24 violations against private and public objects, including burning of two houses in Shabwa, on 28 March by the Shabwani Elite, and detonation of three houses in Al-Shaqab, Taiz on 11 March, by Houthis group, and demolishing of 10 houses, including 6 partially by Houthis militia and AC airstrikes, and raid on 5 houses.


    • SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties condemn all crimes included in this report which are considered as gross violations of the international humanitarian law and human rights law.
    • Urges the UN and humanitarian organizations to provide immediate aids to the displaced civilians and to work to lift the blockade of the besieged cities and villages.
    • Urges Arab Coalition to avoid targeting civilians and to review its rules of combat in accordance with the international laws and conventions.
    • SAM organization calls to spare children from ravages of war and calls upon the international community to take a firm stand against child recruitment which is increasing alarmingly,


    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties,Geneva

    21 April 2018

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