April 2018 State of Human Rights in Yemen
  • 24/05/2018
  •  https://samrl.org/l?a3720 
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, based in Geneva, is continuing in monitoring human rights violations in Yemen, during 2018, where in April, SAM has monitored 672 cases of violation to the international humanitarian law (war law), and the international human rights law, included extra-legal killing, physical assaults, attacks on press freedom, arbitrary detention, seizure of properties, and torture, perpetrated by Houthis militia, Arab Coalition airstrikes, UAE-backed military formations, and combatants loyal to the legitimate government.

    Houthis militia perpetrated 290 violations out of the total violations documented in this statement, while Arab Coalition committed 264 through airstrikes, 11 by parties loyal to the legitimate government, 4 by US drones, 43 violations in Taiz city during the recent confrontations between Abi Al-Abbas forces ad Taiz axis military forces ( SAM will issue a detailed report in these incidents and parties responsible), other 40 violations were committed by unknown groups at government-controlled area, and 18 violations are of criminal nature.

    It important to remind that, the violations documented in this statement, are not inclusive, nor do they provide a specific percentage of the actual violations, rather they represent a random sample through which we could see the human rights situation in Yemen, and they reflect what SAM monitors managed to document according to the monitoring standards followed by SAM.

    Violation of the Right to Life:

    Mass killings;

    SAM organization has monitored and documented in April, 231 violations to the right to life among civilians, including 152 by Arab Coalition (AC) airstrikes, 80 in Hajjah, 18 in Hodiedah, 35 in Taiz, and the remaining in Sana’a, and Sa’da governorates. Other 55 civilians were killed by Houthis militia, 10 in Taiz during the armed confrontation between Abi Al-Ababa’s forces and Taiz axis troops. US drones killed 4 people in Shabwa, and 2 by the legitimate government forces, and 8 civilians were killed by unknown individuals.

    17 other civilians were killed by mines planted by Houthis militia, 2 were killed under torture at Houthis prisons in Hajjah governorate.

    April is the bloodiest month for civilians in 2018, due to the massacre perpetrated by AC airstrikes that targeted a wedding in Bani Qais, Hajjah, and A-Waraqi gas station in Hajjah also, in addition to airstrike that hit Asselo and Mawza’a districts in Taiz, in addition to Al-Saleh city and Al-Hait, Hais areas in Hodiedah governorate.

    On 18 April, in Hajjah (northwest), SAM documented the killing of 34 civilians, and injuring 59 others by AC airstrike on a wedding ceremony in Bani Qais, including 23 killed and injured children.

    On 19 April, SAM documented the killing and injuring of 45 civilians, by airstrike that hit a gas station in Al-Waraqi in Abs district.

    On 2 April, in Hodiedah, west coast, SAM documented killing of 18 civilians and injuring of 9 others by AC airstrike on Al-Saleh housing complex – under construction, including 7 children and 3 women.

    On 8 April, in Taiz governorate, SAM documented killing of 15 civilians and injuring of 3 others, by AC airstrike at Asselo, including 6 children and 3 women.

    On 18 April, in Taiz, SAM documented AC airstrikes killing 19 civilians, including 5 children, who were in their way back to their village.

    Individual killings;

    On 2 April, in Hajjah, SAM documented the killing of Ahmed Mohammed Allan 44, under torture, he was detained by Houthis in Abs prison, since 25 January 2018, and remined there until his family received a call to receive his body.

    On 9 April, in Taiz, SAM documented the killing of Mohammed Hassan Al-Moqana’ 48, Habib Abdo Ahmed 19, and child Hussam Mansour Ana’m 14, by Houthis sniper’s shots.

    On 28 April, SAM documented the killing of Mohammed Mahmoud Al-Imad 28, at Houthis prison in Hajjah.

    Violation of the Right to Physical Integrity:

    SAM organization has documented injury of 210 civilians during March, including 17 women, and 72 children most of them in Hajjah, Taiz, and Hodiedah, mainly by AC airstrikes on the residential areas.  SAM documented increased number of casualties in April due to the airstrikes that hit Bani Qais in Hajjah, Al-Saleh complex and Masar Haraz village in Hodiedah, also in Al-Mahoul village in Taiz, in addition to other casualties resulted from the confrontation between national army troops and the indiscriminate shelling and sniping of civilians by Houthis militia in Al-Baidha and Taiz.

    Arbitrary Detention;

    Thousands of Yemeni civilians are under arbitrary detention at Houthis militia’s prisons in Sana’a, also at the prisons of the UAE-backed Security Belt and Hadhrami Elite in Aden and Hadhramout, despite release order for more than 50 detainees, in Aden and Hadhramout, however these forces refuse to respond. SAM has documented 40 new cases of arbitrary detention in April, in Sana’a, Taiz and Hajjah, while documented 3 cases by the UAE-backed Hadhrami Elite and Security Belt forces, and 10 cases by Abo Al-Abbas brigades in Taiz.

    On 18 April, in Hajjah, north, SAM documented the detention of Khalid Abdulkareem Saad 41, for his political affiliation to the People’s General Congress, and Mohammed Hameed Al-Dakhina 39, to the Islah party.

    On 18 April, in Shabwa, south, SAM documented the detention of Saleh Saeed Al-Aulaqi 18, and Salem Ali Baraseen 39, in Asaeed by the UAE-backed Shabwani Elite Forces.

    On 7 April, in Aden, SAM documented the detention of some civilians by the Security Belt forces, including Abdullah Ahmed Al-Taeri 30, at Bir Fadh by the Security Belt forces.

    SAM also documented the detention of sheikh Nidhal Bahwerith 51, since 28 March, in Aden by Aden Security elements, and he is still disappeared since then. Bahwerith, is a member of the local council, and imam who is loyal to Islah party, and was detained while on his way to the mosque.

    Violations against Children:

    SAM organization has documented 153 violations against children during the reporting period, mainly in Hajjah, Taiz, and Hodiedah, including 75 injuries, 1 by landmines, and 4 by snipers’ shots.

    SAM also documented killing of 25 children during April 2 by mines, 4 by snipers’ shots, also documented children recruitment by Houthis militia in Sana’a, Dhamar, and Amran, as well in Shabwa by the UAE-backed Shabwani Elite.

    On 20 April, in Taiz, SAM documented the killing of Badr Mohammed Al-Raimi 12, by Houthis sniper.

    On 22 April, in Taiz, SAM documented the killing of Husam Mansour Ana’m 14, by a mortar shell fired by Houthis militia.

    On 18 April, in Al-Jouf, SAM documented injury of 4 children, two by shell fired by Houthis near their house, in Al-Gheel village.

    Violations against women:

    SAM documented 75 violations against women during the reporting period, including 18 killings. 46 cases of violation by Houthis group and 23 by AC airstrikes.


    Houthis militia continued to use mines widely, without proper mapping thereby threatening civilians’ life, particularly at former areas of confrontation, where 30 cases of mines detonation were reported during April, killing 17 civilians, and injuring 10 others, including 2 women and 3 children.

    Violations against Journalists and Human Rights Defenders:

    SAM has documented continuous violations against journalists and human rights defenders, with 17 new cases of violations in Al-Baidha, Taiz, and Sana’a were reported, including 1 death, and arbitrary detention for journalists in Aden and Taiz.

    On 12 April, in Al-Baidha, SAM documented the killing of journalist Abdullah AL-Qaderi, cameraman, Belqees channel, and injury of journalists Ziab Al-Shater, Khalel Al-Taweel, Waleed Al-Jaouri, and Suliman Al-Nawab, by shrapnel of shell fired by Houthis militia at their car while covering the fighting in Al-Baidha.

    On 6 April, in Qa’taba district, Addalie, SAM documented the detention of journalist Saleh Al-Mansoub, by government troops and he was released later.

    On 18 March, SAM documented the detention and torture of Hussein Al-Osaili, by Houthis militia, who abducted him from Khawlan street, Sana’a, and moved him to Al-Baidha.

    Attacks on Public and Private Objects:

    SAM has documented 25 attacks on the public and private objects, including demolishing of houses, attacks on farms and government facilities.

    SAM documented 5 cases of house demolishing in April, in Taiz and Ibb by Houthis militia

    On 18 April, Houthis militia detonated Mohammed Hamed Salam’s house in Ashi’r, Ibb.

    On 19 April, Houthis militia demolished two houses belong to Mohammed Al-Kaheel, and Abdulfattah Abdo Fare, in Atta’izya district in Taiz.

    Blockade and Forced Displacement of Civilians;

    SAM organization documented displacement of 24 households in Jabal Sabir in Taiz.

    Within this context, SAM indicate to the deteriorated humanitarian situation in Hais and the western coast region due to lack of humanitarian aids. Apparently, there is no humanitarian plan to address the situation of the displaced civilians due to the ongoing fighting, where their basic needs of shelter, medication and foods are not provided. SAM also observes with great concern the conditions of the displaced from Zu Bab, especially during the month of Ramadhan, noting UAE forces refusal to allow the return of the displaced to their houses, thereby exacerbating their sufferings. The IDPs are victims of the conflicting parties fighting, where Houthis displaced them, and UAE forces are denying their return to their houses, they lack any aids to sustain them.

    Finally, SAM calls for immediate solution to the sufferings of the civilians and to pay salaries by the de facto power in Sana’a, and the legitimate government in Aden, where salaries should not be subjected to political manipulation, and he power in control should provide them immediately, considering the month of Ramadhan needs.



    • SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties condemn all crimes included in this report which are considered as gross violations of the international humanitarian law and human rights law.
    • Urges the UN and humanitarian organizations to provide immediate aids to the displaced civilians and to work to lift the blockade of the besieged cities and villages.
    • Urges Arab Coalition to avoid targeting civilians and to review its rules of combat in accordance with the international laws and conventions.
    • SAM organization calls to spare children from ravages of war and calls upon the international community to take a firm stand against child recruitment which is increasing alarmingly,


    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties,

    Geneva - 22 May 2018

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