May-June 2018 State of Human Rights in Yemen
  • 04/08/2018
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, based in Geneva, is continuing in monitoring human rights violations in Yemen, during 2018, where in May and June months SAM has monitored 652 cases of violation to the international humanitarian law (law of war), and the international human rights law, included extra-legal killing, physical assaults, violations to press freedom, arbitrary detention, seizure of properties, and torture, perpetrated by Houthis militia, Arab Coalition airstrikes, UAE-backed military formations, and combatants loyal to the legitimate government.

    Houthis militia perpetrated 315 violations out of the total violations documented in this statement, while Arab Coalition committed 107 violations, through airstrikes, 28 by parties loyal to the legitimate government. SAM also, documented 39 violations in Taiz resulted from the confrontations between armed groups loyal to the national army in May, and 88 by unidentified elements at areas under the government control, and 70 criminals.

    It is worth mentioning that, these violations documented in this statement, are not inclusive, nor do they provide a specific percentage of the actual violations, rather they represent a random sample through which we could see the human rights situation in Yemen, and they reflect what SAM monitors managed to document according to the monitoring standards followed by SAM.

    Violation of the Right to Life:

    SAM organization has documented a state of insecurity in Aden, Taiz, and Sana’a, governorates where many homicide cases remain unresolved. SAM has monitored and documented 250 violations to the right to life in in May and June among civilians; including 70 civilians killed by Houthis militia, 41 by Arab Coalition airstrikes, including 12 in Hodiedah, and 23 in Sana’a, and 2 by the forces loyal to the government. Also, 85 people assassinated by unidentified assassins, and 52 homicide cases of criminal nature. Mine laid by Houthis militia, also killed 19 civilians, and 4 civilians died under torture at Houthis prisons in Sana’a and Sa’da.

    Facts and Stories:

    On May 1st, in Taiz, SAM documented killing of children Aloush Maaz Al-Abasi 8, and Husam Amin Matarish 12, and Sabah Sultan Seif 28, in Al-Ragma, by mines laid by Houthis at the public roads, residential area and agricultural land.

    On May 2nd, SAM documented death of detainee Mohammed Abdullah Aatif 30, from Sana’a. A death believed to be caused by torture.

    On May 2nd, SAM documented death of detainee Sadeq Abdullah Matar Al-Bousi 25, Sa’da, where hi family was contacted to see him at Alsalam hospital, ten days after his abduction by Houthis militia, and his death believed to be caused by torture.

    On 2 and 3 May, in Ibb, SAM documented murder of Basheer Hamadi 33, and Khalid Mohammed Seif Al-Sabri 35, by Houthis gunmen in Souq Al-Leel, in Adaleel, for refusal to pay illegitimate fees without official receipt.

    On 10 May, in Sana’a, SAM documented Arab Coalition air raid, targeted a house near Al-Azrageen checkpoint, in the road between Sana’a and Amran, killing 5 civilians including a woman and two children.

    On 10 May, in Sa’da, SAM documented killing of 5 civilians; three children, one woman and a man, by Arab Coalition airstrike at a house in Magz district.

    On 24 May, in Sana’a, SAM documented the death of medicine student Mohammed Hizam Ghurab 30, and according to information received, the victim was at Houthis prison for two years.

    On 27 May, in Taiz, SAM documented killing of child Mutasim Ali Saeed Abdo, by Houthis sniper, while ploughing their land with his father in Qahban, Maqbna district.

    On 28 May, in Sa’da, SAM documented killing of 5 civilians, including 4 children and injuring of 18 others, also including 4 children, by Arab Coalition airstrike, targeted a local market in Al-Buq’ junction, in Sa’da.

    On 12 June, SAM documented killing of child Musha’l Mahmoud Salem 17, and signs of torture seen at his body. He was detained at the 35th brigade - loyal to the government, prison in Taiz.

    On 14 June, SAM documented killing of three workers at Al-Azani Trade Centre in Sana’a, while raided by militia gunmen to claim unlawful fees, otherwise to close the Centre, who fired indiscriminately, killing the three workers.

    In June also, 12 civilians killed in Hodiedah by Houthis shelling at Hees, Al-Tuhita and other places.

    On 18 June, in Hadhramout, 8 soldiers shot dead by terrorists firing at security checkpoint.

    On 3 June, in Taiz, SAM documented killing of 6 civilians, including 4 yrs child, by Houthis militia.

    On 18 June, in Wadi Al-Jisr village, Taiz, child Mutaz Ali Mahyub Al-Harazi, was killed by Houthis sniper.

    On 19 June, in Hodiedah, SAM documented Arab Coalition air raid at a security checkpoint, in Mati’ junction, northern Al-Gatahi district, that targeted a donkey cart and a minibus, killing 9 civilians and injuring 11 others, including 4 unidentified persons.

    Violation of the Right to Physical Integrity:

    SAM organization has documented 290 casualties among civilians, during May and June, including 29 women and 58 children majority of them in Taiz, Sa’da and Sana’a. with highest number of casualties occurred during May, due to the armed confrontation between factions loyal to the government, in addition to criminal cases, and indiscriminate shelling by Houthis militia and Saudi/UAE-led Arab Coalition airstrikes.

    Houthis militia is responsible for the highest toll of civilian casualties, followed by the Arab Coalition airstrikes, and the national army.

    In Taiz, SAM documented 34 casualties resulted from confrontation between armed factions loyal o the government, including 4 women.

    On 30 May, in Taiz, SAM documented injuring of 3 civilians of one family, in Jabal Habashi district, by a mine laid by Houthis militia, where the mother leg was amputated, and her son and daughter sustained serious injuries.

    On 18 June, in Al-Haggar village, Maqbna district, Taiz, 10 civilians, including 3 children and 2 women, injured when their car hit an anti-vehicle mine, when returning from Al-Barh market. Some of the victims got their legs amputated.

    On 18 June, in Al-Haraz village, Jabal Habashi district, Taiz, 6 civilians, including children, sustained injuries by bomb fired by Houthis, that hit their house, injuring the father, his wife, two daughters and son.


    Arbitrary Detention;

    SAM has documented 104 cases of arbitrary detention during May and June, at Houthis areas in Sana’a city, Taiz, Hajjah and Ibb, and 9 cases by military units loyal to the government.

    Arbitrary detention cases distributed in 4 governorates under Houthis control; 45 cases in Hajjah, 20 in Taiz, 18 in Sana’a city, and 7 in Ibb governorate.

    On 1 May, in Hajjah, SAM documented detention of Mohammed Ahmed Al-Omaisi, and his son Abdulhaleem, by Houthis militia in Al-Niserya checkpoint for three days, when the wedding procession of Abdulhaleem was passing the checkpoint. They’ve been released following the wedding contract is invalidated and marrying the bride to another person...!

    On 18 May, in Ibb, SAM documented detention of three civilians from Al-Humeidi family, in Al-Udain, while leaving the mosque, by a Houthi element, for ransom.

    On 19 May, in Ibb, SAM documented raid of Mustafa Ali Yunis house by Houthis gunmen, in Al-Mashanna and taking him to police station in the southern region.

    On 23 June, in Sana’a, Houthis militia detained 5 Sana’a university professors and bus driver, in Naqueel Yaslih checkpoint, while travelling to Aden to claim their pay, and they were released few days later, yet they are banned from leaving Sana’a.

    Violations against Journalists and Human Rights Defenders:

    SAM has documented continuous violations against journalists and human rights defenders, with 9 new cases of violations in Hodiedah, Hadhramout, Sana’a city, and Ibb, including 1 death, and arbitrary detention for journalists in Aden and Taiz.

    On 2 June, journalist Anwar Al-Rukn died. Al-Rukn was under arbitrary disappearance at Al-Saleh detention facility, of Houthis militia in Mawya junction, Taiz. Anwar was detained for ten months according to his relatives, who knew about his detention accidentally, when his brother went the detention facility in search of another person and surprised to see his brother in a severe weakness and wasting condition. Al-Rukn was released the next day and hospitalized, and doctors tried to compensate loss of blood and dehydration, but his body did not respond. Al-Rukn told the doctors that he has been injected by unknown substance, that caused him severe pains. He has been moved to his brother house, in day three, where he passed away.

    On 3 June, activist and head of Khatwa Human Rights Organization, Altaf Al-Qushaibi’s car was burned by unknown assailants in Sana’a city.

    On 18 June, SAM documented arbitrary detention of activists Radhya Al-Mutwakil, head of Muwatana Human Rights Organization, and her husband Abdulrasheed Al-Faqueh, by Seyun airport security, and were released the next day and allowed to continue their trip, following psychological pressure, threats and incitement campaign.

    On 18 June, the Houthis-controlled National Security apparatus detained journalist Obad Al-Garadi, based on his journalists activity, according to Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate report.

    Violations against Children:

    SAM organization has documented 134 violations against children during the reporting period, mainly in Taiz, Sa’da, Sana’a, and Hodiedah, and the violation of the right to life topped the list of these violations, with 59 cases, including 9 by mines detonation and one by sniper’s shot.

    SAM also, documented 58 cases of maiming among children during May and June, including 11 by mines, and 9 by sniping, in addition to 17 recruitment cases of children by Houthis militia in Hodiedah, Sa’da and Sana’a.

    In Al-Ragma, Mawza’a and Mocha, in Taiz, SAM documented in May death of 5 children by landmine detonation, laid by Houthis militia at agricultural lands, passages and main roads. Mines in these areas, killed tens of livestock and banned farmers from cultivating their land.

    On 27 May, in Taiz, SAM documented killing of child Mutasim Ali Saeed Abdo, by Houthis sniper, while ploughing their land with his father in Qahban, Maqbna district.

    On 1 June, SAM documented death of child Alfya Qaid Hazem Abdo 17, by artillery shelling near her house in Altalila village, Maqbna district, causing severe head and neck injuries led to her death.

    Violations against women:

    SAM documented 47 violations against women during May and June, including 13 killings, 25 injuries and maiming cases, harassment against female activists in Sana’a city and Hadhramout, three deaths by mines laid by Houthis militia in Taiz, and three killings by Arab Coalition airstrikes in Sana’a, and Sa’da each, and 2 cases of criminal nature in Taiz and Ibb governorates.


    Houthis militia continued to use mines at civilian areas widely, and without proper mapping thereby, where 53 cases of mines detonation were reported during May, killing 18 civilians, including 6 children, and 3 women, and injuring 33 others, including 12 children and 4 women.

    The government lacks proper demining equipment and capacity, thereby number of casualties is expected to rise, particularly among farmers and herders, also no clear international mechanisms to pressure Houthis to refrain from using mines.

    On 28 June, in Taiz, SAM documented death of Mohammed Ali Abdo Hakki 32, by landmine detonated while passing with his motorcycle with his 10 years daughter Zeinab, to his farm in Al-Rama, Mocha district. Mohammed died and Zeinab sustained major injuries.

    Houthis militia laid thousand of mines at the public roads, and farms, without warning signs and refused to handover maps of such min fields.

    Attacks on Public and Private Objects:

    SAM has documented 47 attacks on the public and private objects, during May and June, including demolishing of houses, attacks on farms and government facilities, closure of health facilities and raiding of schools.

    Houthis militia demolished a civilian house in Sana’a, and seized lands in Ibb governorate.

    On 29 May, in Shoub, Sana’a city, SAM documented the demolishing of Mohammed Muhsin Al-Khubi’s and Saleh Amer Al-Olaibi houses, by Houthis militia, for their political stands against Houthis power.

    On 6 June, in the Houthis-controlled Sana’a city, SAM documented looting of the Civil Defence department.

    On 6 June, SAM documented bombing of Oil Company gas station in Sana’a by the Arab Coalition aircraft.

    On 7 June, in Hodiedah, SAM documented damage of 18 trade stores in Bura’ protectorate market, by Arab Coalition airstrike.

    On 27 June, in Taiz, the trade store of Abdullah Abdulaziz Al-Harazi, was set one fire by Houthis militia, causing huge damage to the store and the goods.

    Blockade and Forced Displacement of Civilians;

    SAM organization documented forced displacement of 5000 households in Hodiedah, due to the fighting between the UAE-led Arab Coalition forces and Houthi militia. Civilians were evacuated to Sana’a and Aden cities, where they suffer deteriorated humanitarian situation, lacking shelter, and sufficient humanitarian aids. Aden authority banned many of the IDPs from entering the city. Activists tried to provide emergency aids for the IDPs in Sana’a, Taiz and Mareb, but it is not sufficient to meet the IDPs needs.

    Other Violations:

    SAM documented other unspecified violations, such as blocking of medical aids, confiscation of humanitarian aids by Houthis in Sana’a, suspension of 74 public servants and dismissal of 1700 others by Houthis militia, and banning of fishermen in Mocha from fishing, following closure of the port by the Arab Coalition forces.

    Finally, SAM organization urge an immediate solution to the sufferings of the civilians and payment of salaries by the de facto power in Sana’a, and the de jury government in Aden.

    SAM organization also, indicate to the deteriorated health condition in Yemen, and failure of health sector to face cholera outbreak, thereby necessitating interference of the international community and declaring Yemen as a disaster area for immediate humanitarian assistance.


    • SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties condemn all crimes included in this report which are considered as gross violations of the international humanitarian law and human rights law.
    • Urges the UN and humanitarian organizations to provide immediate aids to the displaced civilians and to work to lift the blockade of the besieged cities and villages.
    • Urges Arab Coalition to avoid targeting civilians and to review its rules of combat in accordance with the international laws and conventions.
    • SAM organization calls to spare children from ravages of war and calls upon the international community to take a firm stand against child recruitment which is increasing alarmingly,

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties,Geneva

    4 August 2018


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