Including SAM:
60 International Human Rights Organizations Launch a Global Campaign to Reject the Continued Israeli Occupation of Palestine and Anti-Semitism
  • 25/09/2018
    منظمة سام |

    A campaign to be launched by about 60 International human rights organizations rejecting Israeli occupation of Palestine and anti-Semitism

    Geneva – About 60 international human rights organizations announced today the launch of a global campaign from September 25 to 28, 2018, on the sidelines of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly. The campaign aims to mobilize global support to end the continued Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories. At the same time, Israel will launch a public campaign entitled "NO2AntiSemitism." The international organizations aim by their campaign to highlight the importance of ending the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territories, as well as to reject anti-Semitism.

    The Israeli campaign, which will be launched by the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, includes inviting heads of states, prime ministers, and ambassadors to participate and tweet under the hashtag: "#NO2AntiSemitism." The campaign also includes setting up a booth at the United Nations building entrance where the world leaders will be asked to stop and take pictures or videos next to the campaign banners then publish them on social media outlets. In addition, a symposium will be held at the United Nations to discuss anti-Semitism with the participation of the Secretary-General and French President Emmanuel Macron.

    The parallel campaign aims at assuring the rejection of anti-Semitism, as well as the continued occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people for decades. The human rights organizations aim to assert the Palestinian right to live in safety, freedom and self-determination, in accordance with the United Nations resolutions over the years.

    The international organizations, which are from all over the world, pointed out that Israel calls those who demand the implementation of United Nations resolutions that include ending the occupation, and ceasing the violations against the Palestinian people, as "anti-Semitic." At the same time, Israel seeks to impose laws that prohibit photographing the crimes that may be committed by Israeli soldiers. In addition, Israel stated that it is the national homeland of the Jewish people and gives the right of self-determination to the Jewish people only.

    The organizations said that their campaign includes sending urgent messages to the world’s ambassadors to the United Nations. These messages will include calls for ending the continued illegal occupation of the Palestinian Territories which contribute to promoting anti-Semitism and racism. "No one should practice anti-Semitism against the Jews, and in the same logic, no one should practice persecution and apartheid against the Palestinians," said the human right organizations. The organizations assert a strong belief in rejecting Anti-Semitism, but also stress that the Palestinians have paid a heavy price due to the ongoing Israeli occupation and racist policies against them.

    The organizations referred to several United Nations resolutions that support the Palestinian people right of peace, security, and self-determination. Resolution 181 called for establishing two states, yet Israel continues to expand at the expense of the Palestinian Territories, thereby undermining the further development of the Palestinian state. Resolution 194, in which the United Nations called on Israel to allow the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes, has not yet been implemented, leaving millions of Palestinians suffering in refugee camps.

    The signatory organizations note that the rejection of racist practices and the illegal occupation of the Palestinian Territories must be seen as a part of the campaign "No2AntiSemitism". The organizations call on ambassadors of the world, human rights organizations, and human rights defenders in the world to emphasize this message and deliver it to the Israeli decision-makers. The international organizations also call for promoting the rights of the Palestinian people and joining the “anti-occupation and anti-Semitism campaign” from 25 to 28 September 2018, via Twitter using the following tags:


    #No2AntiSemitism #No2IsraeliOccupation


    Singed organizations:

    • Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor
    • International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (EAFORD),
    • Geneva International Centre for Justice (GICJ)
    • International-Lawyers.Org,
    • International Educational Development, Inc.,
    • International Humanitarian Lawyers,
    • Jewish Voice for Peace - Atlanta
    • International Jurists Union - IJU
    • Yemeni Organization for Socioeconomic Development
    • The Brussels Tribunal
    • Salam International Organizations for The Protection of Human Rights
    • Arab Lawyers Association-UK,
    • Tamkeen Organization
    • Association of Humanitarian Lawyers (AHL),
    • The Iraqi Centre for Human Rights
    • General Federation of Iraqi Women (GFIW)
    • Human Rights Defenders (HRD),
    • Yemeni Coalition to Monitor Human Rights Violations
    • Wethaq Civic Foundation
    • Al Nass Human Rights Center
    • United Towns Agency for North-South Cooperation,
    • Union of Arab Jurists (UAJ)
    • El shehab For human rights
    • Syrian Network for Human Rights
    • AFD International
    • SAM for Rights & Liberties
    • International Humanitarian Law centre
    • Free Voice
    • Human Rights Solidarity, Geneva Switzerland
    • Justice for Human Rights
    • International Alliance for Human Rights & Development
    • Association of Victims of Torture in Tunisia, Geneva - A.V.T.T
    • Association Swiss Palestine (ASP)
    • Iraqi War-crimes Documentation Center
    • Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture
    • International Solidarity with Prisoners TADAMON
    • Libyan organization for transitional Justice
    • Iraq Solidarity Association, Sweden
    • Asociacion contra el lawfare (Association against lawfare)
    • Plataforma juvenil para el poder popular (Youth platform for popular power)
    • Palestine centre of Pen International (World Association of Writers),
    • BDS Malaysia
    • Palestine section of WILPF (Womens' International League for Peace and Freedom),
    • Tadhamun; Iraqi women Solidarity,
    • The Mother’s Legacy Project
    • Viva Palestina Malaysia
    • Muslim Professionals Forum - Malaysia
    • Plataforma colombo suiza por la paz en Colombia (Swiss Colombo platform for peace in Colombia)
    • Comite nacional de defensores de ddhh de Colombia
    • Trabunal- Iraque, Portugal
    • Le Pont
    • BDS Austria
    • Adalah Human Rights Organization for War Victims
    • Women in Black (Vienna)


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