SAM Condemns Detention of Baha’i Spokesperson and Vows to Defend all Yemenis Rights
  • 14/10/2018
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties condemned detention of Baha’i activist and spokesperson Abdullah Al-Olafi by Houthis on 11 October and taking him to unknown place, according to eyewitnesses.
    SAM said in a press statement that arrest of the Baha’i activist is a regrettable escalation against the community in Yemen which is already faced by unjustified oppression since Houthis control over Sana’a alongside the media campaign led by Houthis leader Abdulmalik Al-Houthi.

    SAM called upon Houthis militia to immediately release Al-Olafi and all other prisoners of conscience detained at Houthis prisons for years without charges.

    SAM also expressed its dismay for allegations made by the Houthis-led specialized penal prosecutions Sana’a that SAM is supporting the Baha’i sect through a nationwide organization in collaboration with the UN, considering such allegations are baseless and falsifying legal facts by Houthis-led courts, fearing that this is step towards targeting SAM staff.

    SAM indicated that the specialized court has issued earlier this year a death sentence against a Yemeni citizen of Baha’i faith, following four years imprisonment with torture and mistreatment.

    Tawfeq Al-Humeidi, SAM director said “ironically the Houthis-controlled prosecution claimed that the Baha’i cell is supported locally and internationally, by different UN agencies and international organizations such as Amnesty International beside SAM claimed support”, as well as by western embassies. “If this is the case, Houthis has to imprison half of the world and sentence them to death for supporting Baha’i sect” he added.

    SAM confirmed that it will continue to defend human rights in Yemen, emerging from its believe on individuals’ right of belief on sects of their wish, as provided for by the UN charter, without any discrimination and will expose any party violates these rights.

    SAM called all conflicting parties in Yemen to respect freedom of opinion and belief and to protect such rights, and the international community to undertake its responsibility to end such practices in Yemen.

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, Geneva
    14 October 2018

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