SAM Calls Saudi Arabia to Reveal the Fate of Disappeared Yemenis and Promise to Complain to the UN
  • 22/10/2018
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties called Saudi government to reveal immediately the fate of Yemenis claimed to be detained by Saudi authorities and disappeared arbitrarily, including journalist Marwan Ali Al-Muraisi 38, and Rashad Abdulhameed Al-Hemyari 43, chief of media directorate of Ibb city, who were disappeared for months without information on their whereabouts or detention conditions, also without access to lawyers or family visits.

    SAM expressed its deep concern in a press statement today on the unjustified and illegal disappearance of Al-Muraisi and Al-Hemyari by Saudis authorities which is a violation to human rights and to the fair trial principles as stipulated in the ICCPR which Saudi should abide by, being part of the international customary law.

    On relevant details, SAM indicated that Al-Muraisi made to disappear for 137 days by Saudi security apparatuses when returning from a hospital in Riyadh, who confirmed to his family his detention and promised to release him in a few days and requested them not to raise this issue at media outlets for his best interest.

    However, eyewitnesses confirmed al-Muraisi whereabouts is still unknown although his family checked with Saudi security agencies and ministry of interior repeatedly.

    Al-Muraisi is a father of three children and he resides legally in Saudi Arabia with his family since 2003, and works with different media outlets including Almajd, Arrisala and MBC channels and Saba newspaper.

    Rashad Al-Hemyari is a member to the military council of Ibb city and was disappeared by Saudi authorities, following invitation he received from Prince Fahad bin Turkey al Saud office for a meeting but was disappeared since June 2016, according to his relatives’ testimony.

    His family confirmed to SAM that he is subjected to a secret trial and they were not allowed to visit him despite his unstable health conditions due to cardiology issues and diabetes he suffers.

    His family confirmed that they’ve received a call from him in which he informed than he is about to be trialed and urged them publicize his case when the call with his wife was cut off. To add insult into injury, his wife died last Friday leaving behind 8 children without breadwinner.

    Al-Hemyari relatives confirmed to SAM that they’ve talked to the legitimate government in Mareb to release his salary which was suspended since his disappearance but they responded that it was suspended by the Arab Coalition.

    SAM called upon concerned authorities to reveal the whereabouts of the two detainees, expressing grave concern for their detention and disappearance and for being incommunicado.

    SAM Organization indicated that it will file a complaint with the enforced disappearance and freedom of expression and opinion special rapporteur still investigate the two cases and push on Saudi authorities to end human rights violations and to held to account all perpetrators of violations, disclose the fate of the disappeared and allow them to contact with their families and attorneys.

    SAM called Saudi authorities to release al-Muraisi and al-Hemyari immediately, and to end enforced disappearance crimes and respect human rights.

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, Geneva

    22 October 2018

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