SAM Calls Saudi Arabia to Immediately Release Actor Ali Al-Hagouri
  • 18/02/2019
    منظمة سام |


    SAM Condemns Escalated Violations against Yemen Journalists during the Past Two Months

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties condemned continued targeting of journalists and media outlets in Yemen, by different parties, and called to stop targeting of journalists and media outlets in Yemen, and to provide a safe environment, free from violations to ensure practicing of journalism profession without restriction or threats.

    SAM detailed in a press release issued today, that the past two months witnessed notable progress in targeting journalists, through detention, killing, and travel ban, in addition to raiding of media outlets premises, pointing that the journalists are in serious danger, thus requiring urgent protection.     

    SAM noted that the last documented violation, was detention of journalist Zubein Atyya, at Ataq police detention, in Shabwa, on 11 February 2019, by the Special Forces, without due process.

    In Taiz, middle-south of Yemen, Abu Al-Abbas forces detained human rights and media activist Abu Bakr Al-Buraiki, on 10 January from his relative house in Al-Kadaha village, to which he fled before two years, on the backdrop of his criticism of the abuses and practices of the UAE in Aden. According to Abu Bakr relative, a military force consists of masked armed men in armored vehicle besieged the house and arrested Abu Bakr and detained him at detention center in Atturba town, belongs to Abu Al-Abbas brigades, and later moved him Bir Ahmed detention. Abu Bakr’s relative confirmed that they’ve tried to visit him, with his mother, but they were denied access by the prison administration, under the allegation he is denied family visits.

    In Taiz also, journalist Jameel Al-Samit, who suffers Dengue fever, was detained on 7 November, by army forces, on the backdrop of articles he published.

    On 7 February 2019, gunmen led by Abdulrahman Osman Al-Mekhlafi, attacked the office of the Media General Directorate in the governorate office, assaulted the staff and looted laptops and mobile phones.

    SAM also documented the murder of journalist Zyad Al-Shar’abi, Abu Dhabi channel cameraman in the UAE-controlled Mokha city, Taiz governorate and injury of journalist Faisal Al-Zubhani, in January 2019, by motorcycle-bomb, detonated near the restaurant in which they were dining.   

    On 7 February 2019, SAM received report on the banning journalist Sabri bin Makhashin, from traveling to Egypt with his family for treatment, and the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate condemned this act, in a statement dated 7 February 2019, holding the local authorities responsible for any health complications.   

    In addition to detention of journalist Marwan Al-Muraisi, before nine months, and other Yemenis at the prisons in Saudi Arabia, Gezan police in southern Saudi Arabia, detained Yemeni actor Ali Al-Hagouri, on 11 February, on atheism allegations, claiming that a report was filed against him by a Yemeni resident in the Saudi Arabia. Reports received by SAM confirmed that Al-Hagouri is detained under unfavorable conditions.

    SAM confirmed that it has documented 138 violations against media freedom in Yemen, including 13 violations to the right to life, 11 attacks of public freedoms, 53 arbitrary detention, 11 torture cases, and 13 trials without due process.

    SAM also documented 6 violations to the right of movement, including, detention at military checkpoint or airports, and 14 violations to the physical integrity of journalists, including casualties resulted from mines, IEDs, bullets, indiscriminate bombing, and sniping.   

    On the violations targeted media outlets, SAM documented numerous violations, by different armed parties; where the armed forces loyal to the legitimate government and the Arab Coalition are responsible for 30 violations at 22%, and 98 violations by Houthis militia at 71%.      

    SAM regretted that the violations are increasing daily in the plain sight of the free world, without serious movement to support journalists in Yemen, and in absence of lobbying international opinion by the concerned organizations and countries, against the conflicting parties to stop these terrific violations.    

    SAM organization urged all conflicting parties to end detention and prosecution of activists and political adversaries, and to release all detained journalists at the Yemeni prisons under Houthis control and the Arab Coalition and government control.

    SAM organization also urged Saudi Arabia to respect freedom of opinion and to immediately and unconditionally release actor Ali Al-Hagouri, and journalist Marwan Al-Muraisi 38, who was detained for about a year.    

    SAM called for an independent and serious investigation on the continued violations against journalists and media outlet, committed by different armed parties in Yemen, and to held responsible parties to account, and put them into trial.  

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties


    18 February 2019


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