On International Human Rights Day
SAM Calls for a Global Bloc to Bring War Criminals to Justice and Redress for the Victims
  • 11/12/2019
  •  https://samrl.org/l?a3767 
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties said that thousands of Yemenis are experiencing renewed pain and agonies due to the 5-year war, which left more than 100,000 people dead, hundreds of thousands of injured and amputees, thousands of detainees and forcibly disappeared, and tens of thousands of destroyed homes and schools.

    In a press release issued on the International Human Rights Day anniversary, the human rights organization stated that Yemen has become an insecure country that does not meet the basic requirements of life, calling for the serious endeavor for the Yemenis to obtain a decent life free from violations and violence, especially as the war did not exclude any of the parties or a category.

    SAM explained that millions of citizens are below the poverty line, as Yemen has become a real disaster due to the blockade, the lack of food, currency devaluation, and corruption, calling on the parties to the conflict to respect human rights in Yemen and ensure human dignity in all their places of existence.

    The human rights organization stressed that the International Human Rights Day places the local, regional and international community ethically, humanly and legally responsible, due to the violations that civilians in Yemen are exposed to in general and children and women in particular, which requires active and serious action, free from political motives to uncover the perpetrators and participants  in responsible for the dire conditions that the country has reached.

    SAM sees that Yemen today needs more societal and rights struggle at home and abroad, and work to form a global bloc away from global political polarization, to restore the dignity of the Yemenis and ensure that criminals do not enjoy impunity and go unpunished.

    SAM explained that the humanitarian crisis that affected the livelihood and health, in addition to the brutal violations that affected civilian detainees in the north and south, due to the bombing or sniping and mines, and the violations that reached more than 1000 violations against journalists and human rights activists, beside the spread of diseases and epidemics, and laying of millions of mines, the establishment of hundreds of secret prisons, in addition to the proliferation of illegal armed formations, put the human conscience before a legal humanitarian mission, which is to hold perpetuators legally accountable, redress victims, and ensure justice.

    SAM emphasized that it will continue to disclosure and document human rights violations, and will pursuit to bring the violators to justice, as an essential part of its human rights identity, and affirming its principles in defending humanity.

    SAM called on all concerned at home and abroad to work together to defend human rights in Yemen in particular and the world in general; to ensure freedom, dignity and all natural and fundamental rights.

    SAM said that the International Human Rights Day represents a starting point for working to guarantee freedom and human rights, protecting and defending the rights of children and women, the rights of persons with disabilities, workers, youth, refugees, and everyone who is exposed to or suffers from discrimination or any form of violence in particular.

    SAM considered that ensuring the freedom and dignity of citizens and their basic rights is an essential starting point for solving the Yemeni crisis and ensuring a future based on coexistence.

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties

    December 11, 2019

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