SAM Organization
Alleged Honoring of Shallal is Additional Violations to Human Rights, and the Minister Silence is Disrespect to the Agonies of the Victims
  • 12/12/2019
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties condemns the alleged honoring of the Yemeni Ministry of Human Rights for the former Director of Security of Aden Governorate, Major General Shallal Ali Shae’, on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day which falls on the 10th of December

    This honoring, if true, is a new form of human rights violation in the Republic of Yemen, and a kind of reward for one of the major suspects of involvement in human rights violations.

    We condemn the dubious silence of the minister and his staff who refuse to confirm or deny this information, which we consider disrespect for the rights of the victims, and a provocation to the feelings of thousands of the people forcibly hidden in the illegal prisons spread in Aden, which Shae’ is accused of turning his home into one of these prisons.

    SAM was surprised that this alleged honoring came from a ministry claim to defend human rights in Yemen, and protection of victims, while it is unable even to issue a statement or take clear stand on the violations that committed in Aden and in other areas under the control of the Coalition forces and some loyal military units loyal to the legitimate president Abdorabo Mansour Hadi.

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties

    Geneva, 12 December 2019.

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