SAM Condemns the Denial of Yemeni Civilians Right of Movement by the Forces of the Transitional Council
  • 31/01/2020
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, condemns the denial of access to tens of buses carrying civilians, including women and children, and their families from northern governorates to access Abyan en route to Aden yesterday, Thursday 30 January 2020, by security checkpoint belonging to the Third Support Brigade.

    According to reports received by SAM, soldiers from the Third Support Brigade, loyal to the Transitional Council funded by the UAE, installed a checkpoint at the entrance to the city of Zunjubar, Abyan and banned passengers from northern origins from entering the city of Abyan on their way to Aden. According to SAM the number of 200 people, including wounded and handicapped in their way for treatment, women and children, were onboard of public transportation bus and minibuses, were ordered by the shoulders to return back to the place where they came from.

    SAM stresses the need to respect the right of citizens to move, and reminds the responsible party among STC in the southern Yemeni governorates to the consequences and unnecessary pain that this decision will inflict on innocent civilians.

    SAM called to refrain from using citizens suffering to achieve political goals.


    January 31, 2020

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties, Geneva

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