Welcomed the Release of Detainees
SAM Organization Calls on the Parties to the Conflict in Yemen to Achieve a Comprehensive Political Agreement
  • 28/09/2020
  •  https://samrl.org/l?a3930 
    منظمة سام |

    Sam Organization for Rights and Liberties welcomed the agreement concluded under the auspices of the United Nations between the Houthis militia and the legitimate government of Yemen and the Arab coalition, which led to release 1,081 detainees and prisoners from different parties, according to the lists of names agreed upon in the talks that took place in Switzerland.

    SAM said that it is a promising agreement despite the small number of released detainees and prisoners, compared to their total number in the various prisons of the parties to the conflict in Yemen, especially prisons of the Houthis militia, who control the densely populated areas in the country.

    SAM expressed hope that this agreement would be accomplished so that it would be a positive step towards the implementation of Stockholm's agreement to release all detainees, especially those not included in Stockholm's lists among the combatants in the southern border, and the parties supported by the United Arab Emirates.

    SAM confirmed that the detainees and their families have waited for more than two years for this moment, with hope and we hope that everyone will be up to the level of this human cause upon implementation.

    SAM called on the parties to the conflict, regardless of their legal status, to contribute to removing obstacles and opening the door to a comprehensive political agreement that ends the suffering of Yemenis from the war and its woes.


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