SAM Calls for the Immediate Release of the Detainees of the Central Prison in Mukalla and Warns of the Repercussions of their Hunger Strike
  • 17/02/2021
    منظمة سام |

    SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties said that it is following with great concern the news it received about 31 prisoners in the central prison of Mukalla going on a hunger strike. In protest against the difficult humanitarian conditions, and the failure of the prison administration to execute the release order ordered by the Prosecution.

    SAM reported that it had obtained a letter addressed by the director of the central prison in Mukalla, "Ali al-Kabari," to the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior and the Director General of Security and Police, stating that the inmates in the central prison began their hunger strike, and indicated in the same letter that those persons have release warrants.

    SAM also interviewed a relative of an inmate who is in the Central Prison, who said: “the inmates who are on hunger strike are treated inhumanly. I was shocked by what I saw of harsh treatment”.. confirming that one of the inmates tried to commit suicide. Another lost his life in prison due to his poor health condition and prevented from being transferred to hospital or seeing a doctor.

    SAM stresses that the information I has received proves beyond any doubt the responsibility of the local and security authorities in Hadramout governorate and the UAE that runs and finances these prisons, and which also prevents the implementation of any ruling requiring the release of prisoners, and calls on the Security Council and the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court to initiate procedures to bring perpetrators of grave violations to criminal accountability, stressing at the same time the need for the international community to exert adequate pressure to release the hunger striking detainees and to implement the release warrants issued by the Public Prosecution Office.

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