Pardis Siyagi
I sat in solitary confinement for two months and a week after which my health deteriorated as a matter of torture
  • 06/04/2021
    منظمة سام |

    Pardis Siyagi

    "My house was stormed in Al-Sunainah, Ma'in District, on charges of storing weapons, which prompted me to file a lawsuit against the Al-Sunainah Department and the perpetrators of the storming, namely Muhammad Al-Kabsi and Ahmed Al-Saqqaf, and the judiciary demanded a trial for those who broke into my house."

    "After three months they strictly prevented me from entering the court, then they froze the case, and after a month of freezing the case, they kidnapped me from Amman Street and severely beat me, and I filed another complaint during which I included a medical report and the case file, and fled to Marib." Five people in prestigious local job contacted me and gave me their word that they would investigate the break-in of my house, that I could go back to Sana'a and no one would chase me, and they told me that my husband was alive after I have been told me that he died in detention, and after being sure that my husband was alive I returned to Sana'a, but I was stopped on my way back for three hours, and then they released me and I returned to my house. On the same night, the Criminal Investigation Department called and asked me to come to present my statement about my going to Marib. Then I realized that they were pursuing me and I kept running with my children until they managed to arrest me in August through a military operation, when I was tied and taken to an unknown location. "I reached a place like a grave, a cell that did not exceed one and a half meters square. They began to interrogate me on charges of treason and state terrorism." She added, "Every day they used more types of torture and intimidation, such as: being hit by electric lightning strikes after they wet me with water, and beating my head, which led to damage to my right eye, and I lost part of it."

    "I sat in solitary confinement for two months and a week, after which my health deteriorated as a matter of torture, which led them to get me out of solitary confinement, and I stayed with female prisoners in one room, where we were 14 mothers with their children, the youngest female prisoner aged 3 years and the oldest female prisoner aged 25, and I wished to return to solitary because of what I heard from the prisoners, something painful and shocking, knowing that 14-year-old child and 21 years of age had been raped."

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