SAM makes an appeal to the interlocutors in Geneva regarding the file of the detainees
  • 11/03/2023
    SAM |

    Geneva - SAM Organization for Rights and Liberties urged all political parties that went to Geneva to attend the negotiation session on the issue of detainees, prisoners and abductees to to show full seriousness in order to end this file. SAM also stressed the need for the international community to fully coordinate with these parties and to take advantage of the positive atmosphere in order to release all detainees held by the parties to the conflict.

    The organization said in an appeal issued today, Saturday - in conjunction with the news received about the travel of Yemeni delegations to Geneva – it was time to end the suffering of thousands of people families and individuals who were stranded and whose social, humanitarian and economic conditions deteriorated, especially the families of the detained women and children, who were greatly affected psychologically by the absence of their relatives.

    In its appeal, SAM called upon all parties to end the file of detainees, including the Yemeni detainees inside Saudi Arabia and the " Al-Jbara" detainees held by the Houthi group since 2018, following the battle that took place with the Saudi forces on its borders.

    The organization highlighted in its appeal the most important points that should be discussed by the interlocutors in Geneva, foremost of which is the disclosure of the names of all the forcibly disappeared persons who were detained in the prisons of the parties to the conflict. That includes the prisons of the UAE-supervised Transitional Council, as well as the prisons of the Houthi group, Marib, the West Coast, Hadramout and Al-Mahra. SAM emphasized that hundreds of families have been waiting for their relatives who have been forcibly disappeared for seven years, and it is time to know the full truth about the fate of their relatives.

    SAM stressed in its appeal the importance of the comprehensive release of all political detainees, journalists, and women who were arrested because of the ongoing conflict. It also demanded that the current deal include all Yemeni detainees in all prisons belonging to the parties to the conflict without any conditions, stressing that any condition for those groups protected by law was nothing but political blackmail that cannot be accepted.

    The organization stressed the importance of the international community to play a more active and positive role in this regard and working to communicate with all parties to the conflict and bring together points of view in order to ensure the release of all detainees, their return to their families and their regions, and the provision of full care and protection for them.

    SAM indicated in its appeal that the talks come in conjunction with the approach of Ramadan, which the organization considers an opportunity to show tolerance and forgiveness, to overcome past differences, and to unite around achieving the greater goal. That is to bring happiness to Yemeni families who have suffered greatly during the previous years. It also emphasized that the highest degree of tolerance is the release of detainees and putting an end to arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances and torture outside the framework of the law.

    "SAM" concluded its appeal by pointing out that the completion of this deal would mean sparing hundreds of detainees from new violations, especially torture, ill-treatment, and deprivation of basic rights that they suffer from by all parties and would put an end to this issue, which was characterized by deprivation, persecution and restriction without any legal justification. It also stressed the need to collectively show those good intentions under international auspices and to avoid political bidding in this sensitive issue.

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